Microchipping for Pets

A small rice-grain-sized chip that gives your cat or dog identification for the rest of their life.

Microchipping ensures that if your pet gets lost they are likely to be returned home. Even after years, cats and dogs who are microchipped can still be reunited with their loving family. The procedure is performed once, and it offers identification for the rest of their life.

How do microchips work?

The chip is implanted at the back of the neck under the skin. After inserting the chip, it is registered to a database with the pet owner’s address and contact information. The process is quite easy to complete and doesn’t require anesthesia. Microchips can be scanned with a special barcode reader which displays its ID number. If your local companion gets lost after being microchipped and someone brings them to a veterinarian one of the first things they do is check for a microchip. If your contact details change you must always update your information in the database so that you can be reached.

Why should I consider microchipping?

Microchips are extremely useful as they offer your pet permanent identification. The good thing about this device is that it requires no upkeep or replacement. While a collar or tag can be useful, it is quite easy for them to get damaged or removed, making it impossible to identify your cat or dog. 

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